Saint Benedict
Benedict of Nursia lived in Italy in the sixth century. He wrote his Rule for monks.
What is a monk?
The monks of Maredsous follow the Rule of Saint Benedict , hence their name Benedictines .
Rule of St Benoit
You will find a list of brief comments which are put in the order of the Rule.
Community organisation
The organization of the community. Living together presupposes constant attention to others
A monk's day
Discover a typical day in the heart of a monk from the community of Maredsous.
The prayer life
Prayer is the sign of what the monk wants to live always in the presence of God.
How to become a monk?
Each vocation is individual. Everyone lives it in their own relationship with God.
The oblation
Since 1885, more than 2,500 people have described their Christian commitment to society there.
Saint Benedict brotherhoods
The Fraternities of Saint Benedict were founded in 1988, as a variant of traditional Oblature.
Texts to take away
We suggest that you take with you some texts written by the monks of Maredsous.